Riley Miss Riley, a 51 lb. Lab mix, was a stray wandering around Page, AZ. She was picked up by the Humane Society in Page, who reached out to DLRR and we gladly took her in. Once she had her vet visit, we discovered that she had the tick-borne disease commonly called tick fever. She needed a 30 day course of antibiotics. The tick fever explained her initial tiredness and her difficulty gaining any weight. But! She is all better now! She has tested negative, has put on weight, and has more energy now!Her fosters knew nothing about her background and she seemed like she’d never been in a home before. We doubt that she’d ever been on a walk, in a car, seen a dog toy or a dog bed or been around children. She now knows the pleasure of walks (and is GREAT on a leash!), toys (enjoys bones, balls and stuffies) and dog beds, but the car is a work in progress- she is not a fan so far. She is housebroken and she lets us know when she wants to go out.Don’t let Riley’s young age fool you! She is very calm and easy to have around! She loves pets, but isn’t in your face about them. She also loves to lounge outside on our patio furniture by herself. We have introduced her to big and little dogs—big ones intimidate her, but littles can be her best friend that she loves playing with. In the end, though, she is more interested in people than she is with dogs. She was very curious about our 3 year old grandson and his friends—seemed like she had never met a miniature person before! But she is great with them—gentle and sweet- and they love her.Riley is about as easy a dog as you could ever find and everyone who meets her falls in love with her. Let’s get together so you can fall in love too!