Nexus Hi, my name is Nexus. I am a female lab mix who lived with an old lady for most of my seven years. In our last year together, her health declined and a caregiver moved in. The caregiver was not kind to me and I became timid and afraid, especially around men. When my human went into assisted living, I could not follow and ended up in the local animal shelter, where I spent the next ten weeks until DLRR arranged a foster home for me.My foster home had an older couple and a young chocolate lab. This chocolate girl wanted to play with me, but I prefer observing. We wagged and sniffed and settled into a peaceful coexistence. There are a lot of toys in this home, but I have a favorite stuffie that I brought with me from the shelter—I like carrying it, mouthing it, fetching it, and sleeping with it. It is my comfort blanket, but I don’t mind if you pick it up. I don’t have any toy or food aggression.I was comfortable in my foster home and began regaining much of my confidence. My foster parents really like me and have told me so often. They also helped me deal with some problems. What problems? I was terribly afraid of cars, but now I climb in the car without a fuss and can even travel long distances (2 hrs). I was afraid of men, but have mostly got over that. Heck, sometimes I even slept next to the husband’s side of the bed though I am more attached to the wife.Turns out those car rides can take me to some fun places. I especially love walking on a trail in the woods. I’d keep going, but long walks aggravate my slight arthritic limp so it’s best to keep my walks short. I walk well on a loose leash on a trail but walking in town can be a little overwhelming and then I’ll pull. I’m not reactive to other dogs or people when out for a walk. There’s no swimming during winter in Flagstaff, but I do relish a good snow bath.Now I’m in Phoenix getting more exposure to all sorts of people and dogs. Discovered that I like kids but I’m still rather indifferent to other dogs. Don’t know about cats, but I don’t have a strong prey drive. When I get attached to a person though I can be a little unsettled if I think they’re in danger. I got so attached to my foster lady that she had to break that bond to get me ready to find my forever home. I’m easy to live with. I’m also pretty—I have a lovely coppery, mocha brown body with a little wave in the fur above my shoulders and golden paws and forelegs. There’s a splash of golden on my muzzle too. I’m shy, very sweet, and a healthy 75 lbs. I don’t damage your things or make a fuss. I let you know when I need to go out. I like to nuzzle up against my person and get strokes and scratches. I also like to give periodic kisses. I can sit and wait, but sometimes I’m stubborn. Mostly I spend a lot of time on one of my comfy dog beds having a good snooze. But if you need a cuddle, I’m there. If it sounds like I could be your best companion please give my foster a holler.