Mama is an 11 year old pup whose Sweet just doesn’t quit. Although she’s no stranger to tragedy (having been abandoned twice), she’s recovering from her last owner moving out and leaving her and her 4 German Shepard “siblings.” She’s pretty laid back and she loves a game of fetch (although she’s a little vague on “retrieve.”) She’s great with my dog but she has been reactive when another dog was aggressive. She is settling down beautifully, walks well on a leash, and is so thrilled with a little bit of attention. She deserves to find a forever home with some people who can work with her (just to fine-tune her commands) and love her. She’ll return the love in full measure. She is remarkably free from bad habits- she doesn’t have accidents, she doesn’t counter surf, she has never destroyed anything (even her stuffed toys survive her enthusiasm.) She is not a fan of the crate but after a couple rough nights where she’d cry in the crate, I let her sleep in the bedroom and she did fine. She’s trustworthy when I leave her for an hour or so except for one “major” faux pas: she got into a trash bag I foolishly left sitting by the door. Perhaps she just wanted to prove she’s a Lab! I’m feeding her in the crate and dropping treats in there from time to time and she’s always checking to see if there’s anything new there. She does great in the car, and although sometimes she needs a little help climbing in, she shares the back seat with my pup. She barks a little when there’s someone outside but not excessively. She has a little discharge from her eyes sometimes. Per the vet, I’ve been wiping them with a warm cloth and dropping a little saline solution in daily. She’s on meds for arthritis in her hips, and she doesn’t seem to be in any pain at all. She LOVES bones. She’s a great dog and she has a lot of love to share. She’ll make you proud.